Have excel mac look to harddrive for recent files

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Kürzlich bin ich genau vor diesem Problem gestanden und eine kurze Google-Suche hat mir Tuxera NTFS vorgeschlagen. Denn Mac OS X bietet leider standardmässig keine Unterstützung für das Beschreiben von Speicher, welcher mit dem NTFS-Dateisystem von Microsoft Windows formatiert ist.Once again Boot Camp supports running Windows from an NTFS volume, but Mac OS X itself cannot write to or start up from such a volume. NT File System (NTFS)-Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP, and Windows Server all use this as their native volume format.The Apple operating system will then be able to mount, read and write to hard disks formatted in NTFS for Windows. Learn how to add NTFS support for Mac OS for free.NTFS-3G often uses the FUSE file system interface, so it can run unmodified on many different operating systems'.

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'NTFS-3G is an open source cross-platform implementation of the Microsoft Windows NTFS file system with read-write support.